I've always loved that Red Seed Studio's beautiful textile designs come out of Brisbane so I was very pleased that Ellie agreed to share her responses to 3 Quick Questions and equally excited to hear that Red Seed Studio will be participating in Brisbane's first Finders Keepers Market.
What inspired you to start creating?
I grew up in a very creative and artistic family. My parents built the house I grew up in, while we were growing up. I heard stories of them gathering reclaimed wood and windows, etc to turn into our beautiful home.
I have many many memories of sitting beside my mum, learning to knit or crochet. Or watching her sit at her potters wheel and making beautiful vessels, which I still enjoy using daily. We used to make paper and did woodfired kiln firings, and built sculptures from found objects (in the forest where I grew up). When I was young my sister, a friend, and I were given a big bag of bright fluro lycra off cuts; we spent many hours (possibly years) turning those scraps into Barbie doll dresses, sewing them all by hand.
I also was lucky to go to a Steiner school, where creativity was part of our daily learning - the writing and drawing and stories and dancing.
So, I guess it's always been in there in me. And once I had my children, and didn't want to go back to my full time job (which was creative in itself), I started doing little things and planning things that could make my natural talents turn into more than birthday presents for family and friends! Also, meeting my husband (11 years ago), we both knew that we had similar interests and talents, and always talked about working together, and not for someone else.

If you could spend more time on one thing what would it be?
In business life, I'd like to spend more time on planning new designs and styles. Sometimes I get caught up in having to make 30 of something, I never get time to rework it into all the images I have in my head for new products.
In personal life, I think I'd love more just free sewing time - I never end up sewing clothing for myself, and rarely even for my children. As well as catching up on all those long-overdue family gifts. And, I'd really like to some day eventually put all my photos into albums (and not just view them on flickr). And gardening - spending that quiet, earthy time in the garden with my children and the memory of my mother in her garden.
What's next for Red Seed Studio?
A busy six months ahead. We are finally (almost) able to start printing meterage fabric, as up to now we have only had a small table and space to do our work in. This has always been the goal, but we've just had to take time to get to it.
My husband, and business partner, Sam is currently designing a collection of skateboards and related t-shirts. He's a passionate skater, and wants to continue to incorporate that aspect of his life and knowledge into our products. He is also continuing to develop our range of jewellery made from recycled skateboards.
There is one other really big surprise that I'm planning with a friend. But you'll have to wait a few more weeks to hear the news.......

Since doing this interview Selvedge House is now under way, check it out here.
Red Seed Studio
Ellie's blog petalplum
Thanks so much Ellie for taking the time to answer 3 Quick Questions.
I had not heard oif them - I love the fabric- I am going to look now.
A lovely feature, the display at the stitches and craft show looks beautiful too!
I love Red Seed Studio's designs, I'm keeping those cushions in mind for when we finally buy a new sofia. Selvedge House looks very exciting, I'm off to take a peak :)
Great feature! The hand embroidery is amazing and all of Ellie's creations are absolutely beautiful. Reading this post was such an inspiration. Now I've got to check out her shop! :)
What a great post, thanks so much for sharing.
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