New tree decoration available in the shop now.
Can you believe it's the last day of Blogtoberfest? A huge thank you to Big Cat's Emporium for putting the hard work in to organise it. I've had some lovely visitors to this little space in the last month and I've discovered some amazing blogs that I'll be keeping my eye on.
I'm celebrating the end of Blogtoberfest by having a halloween party tonight (what perfect timing!), how are you celebrating?
Friday, October 31, 2008
pretty in pink
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pablo Cano, The Blue Ribbon
Pablo Cano, THE BLUE RIBBON from Common Machine Prod. on Vimeo.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
on my desk ...
Soft hand dyed wool felt from Winterwood Toys,
The current issue of Runway and MixTape,
Cards from Moonmum and Tsk Tsk (who, incidently, is having a sale at the moment for Australian customers), and
Babushka Bunny sewing kit from Funky Fabrix.
Go have a gander at more desks here.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Flickr Friend: Thimbly Things

The thing I love about this flickr friend is not just these absolutely divine creations but the beautiful photography and settings. Be sure to check out the thimbly things blog as well, her kitchen will make you green with envy.
Maybe I shouldn't mention this because maybe you didn't notice but I missed a day of Blogtoberfest, oops, the weekend was a little too hectic. To make up for it I promise to do an extra post one day this week.
This is the prototype for my tree decorations for this year so expect to see a few more hanging around here between now and December. I'm trying to avoid using Christmas motifs for the embroideries, that way they can be used at any time of year plus they make great gifts for those who don't celebrate Christmas.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday Shopping List

1. Making Shadows from Tummy Mountain
2. Nikkita Nushka doll from Nushka Dolls
3. Vintage eaten candy apple core necklace from Bunny Boutique
4. Sunshiney Heart Wallet from Love Janie Lou
For more shopping lists visit Fancy Picnic.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Keeping things cool
Want to make this water bottle carrier? It's super easy, this one took me less than two hours last night. And, for the Aussies out there who are preparing for a hot Summer, it's insulated! What a brilliant idea. The pattern's been around for a while so you may have already seen it, for those who haven't it can be found at Pink Chalk Studio.
A huge thank you to craftblog for including one of my flickr images earlier in the week.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Flickr Friend: Black Crow

I discovered Black Crow a while ago on flickr and was blown away not just by these cute little faces but by how great they look in their surroundings.
For more go check out her blog little arty crafty crow.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
On my desk...
The start of Christmas decorations.
No, I'm not that organised it's just easier to hand sew on the move.
More desks here.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Embroidered Notebook Cover
Thank you to everyone who gave suggestions here about what to create from this embroidery. There were some great ideas which I'll be keeping in mind for upcoming projects. In the end I went with the suggestion from Drewzel and Erin for a journal cover. It's available for a very good price in the shop now. Australian shoppers can find it on madeit.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday Shopping List

The weekly round up of online goodness.
1. blue green distant hills original drawing from gretchenmist. You must go and check out this shop, I have loads of favourite drawings there.
2. Not my Granny's Bag from My Studio. This girl knows how to make a handbag!
3. dragonflies are blue original woodblock print from Mizu Designs. I'm always on the lookout for a good birthday card.
4. Felt Birdies from Chelley Bean Designs. These are beyond brilliant, they're simply an embellishment so you can decide yourself what to use them for. I reckon they'd be cute as a brooch or on a card or as the perfect stocking filler for scrapbookers. They come in a number of different colours. Oh, make sure you check out the felt flowers in Christmas colours too.
For more Saturday shopping suggestions visit fancypicnic. Because Saturdays were meant for shopping ;)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Stop Press!
You may have already found Retro Mummy but I only just discovered it this past week. A great online store for Japanese and Australian designed fabric.
For those of you who love the combination of cooking and creativity you will adore The Hungry Girls Cookbook. There are a number of stockists throughout Australia and you can buy it online.
Did you notice I've been doing a 'Stop Press!' post each Friday? It's my way of keeping up with blogtoberfest, I'm finding Fridays the most difficult to post on.
Feel free to send anything newsworthy my way (email link is in the right hand column or leave a comment and I'll get back to you).
Thursday, October 16, 2008
six things

I've been tagged by Hollie and Charlotte to reveal six random things about myself and tag six other bloggers to do the same so here goes:
1. I've never sewn in a zip or a button hole (eek - you may commence stoning now!)
2. I don't spend my days sewing, I work full-time for a magazine (so if you ever have a question about publishing stop by and ask)
3. Last week I went to a pole dancing class and loved it, best work out I've done in a while.
4. My ironing board (also known as cutting table) cover has a huge hole in it. It's been there for about six months but I never get around to replacing it.
5. I don't have a car, I can drive but figured I don't really need one so why bother. I also hate public transport so my main form of transport is walking (lucky I live inner city).
6. I like to rotate things: the clothes in my wardrobe, books on my shelf, things on my to do list, sewing projects, household chores...
and I'm tagging six blogs I visited for the first time today (I urge you to check them out too):
Vanilla Pixie
Thousand Threads
fine little day
winsome hollow
If you've been one of the lucky (or unlucky depending on how busy you are) ones to be tagged you simply have to acknowledge the tag is from me, post your six things and tag six other bloggers. Oh, don't forget to leave a comment on their blog to let them know :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
on my desk ...
The machine is out and sewing of the baby quilt has commenced.
To see what's on other people's desks check out kootoyoo.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Getting things done
Thanks to Blogtoberfest, organised by Big Cat, I'm actually getting things done this month. I was a little worried at first about posting every day but I always seem to have something to say and am in a bit of a routine now. I've also discovered loads of great blogs along the way, which is both a good and bad thing as my bloglines is getting a little out of control.
Now, down to business, any ideas what I should create with this completed embroidery???
Travel Tuesday: Korean Banquet, Gwangju, South Korea
Also known as Hanjeongsik, this is a full-course Korean banquet. It's made up of loads of side dishes (banchan) which include fish, meat, fermented vegetables (kimchi) and rice. A bowl of boiling soup sits in the centre of the table and a large plate of green leafy vegetables lies to the side for wrapping a selection of kimchi in. Korean chopsticks and the rice bowl are both made of metal. You're not expected to eat everything in sight, oh, and unlike China, don't lift your rice bowl from the table when eating!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Flickr Friend - Effunia
Sunday, October 12, 2008
this is ...
Mostly Biennale catalogues (yeah, gettin' a little boring) but have managed to squeeze in one novel this month.
Thank you Missk for this week's theme and as usual there are more reading materials here.
Speaking of reading, if you are in the Brisbane area and you want to make yourself read at least 4 books a year (I know, I know, we're all busy) we're starting a seasonal book club. First book off the rank is Patrick Suskind's Perfume.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Saturday Shopping List

1. Cute little Fruit Bunch hand-carved stamp set from Two Cheese Please
2. Mini wallet card case from Pinky Pig Handmade
3. Fox Badge from Pocket Carnival. Go check out her blog too.
4. Red Rose Birdy Brooch from Inretrospect. This one has free shipping!
More shopping lists here.
Friday, October 10, 2008
stop press ...
Sneak Attacks are happening on Etsy stores thanks to The Handmade Movement. An undiscovered etsy shop is chosen and buyers attack the store in one hit resulting in a rush of business for the chosen one. You've gotta love the crafting community, there's always a new way to support each other!
If you are in Brisbane Jemima Wyman has outdone herself again at Milani Gallery, go see for yourself.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tips from the best
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
on my desk ...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
WIP: Baby Quilt
I haven't started sewing yet, in fact I haven't even cut all the squares, but at least I now know where they're going :)
It's my first quilting project so I'll keep you updated.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
this is ...
Wheel & Barrow chopping board with removable dish. Could there be a better combination?
Thank you Sharon at Handmaiden for this week's theme. For more kitchen tools visit Three Buttons.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Saturday Shopping List

clockwise from top left: Mrs Summer Drops from tsktsk; Farewell Kabarista Original Painting from Octavine Illustration; Bear Postcard from Jennylovesbenny; Kooky Time Cockoo Clock Brooch from Betty Jo Designs.
For more shopping lists go visit Charlotte at fancypicnic.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Jin Hua Embroidery Store, Shanghai
In Xu Hui District, a 20 minute taxi ride from Shanghai's city centre lies a very small embroidery store. Four ladies sit at the entrance hand embroidering beautiful cotton or linen table cloths, bed spreads, hand towels, handkerchiefs, the list goes on ...

Jin Hua Embroidery Store
860 Luo Xiu Lu
Xu Hui District
Shanghai 200237 China
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Are you joining in?
Go here for more.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
On my desk ...
Finding inspiration to sew after a two week break.
For more 'On my desk...' madness and a good read check out Kootoyoo.