Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's Giveaway Time!

Two little handmade brooches above PLUS a mini stash of fat quarters and crafty supplies below are up for grabs!

For one entry leave me a comment :)

For two entries leave a comment plus blog it, twitter it or facebook it (be sure to come back and let me know).

Open to anyone and everyone. Giveaway closes on 31 May, the winner will be selected randomly.

For links to more giveaway goodies check out the sidebar.


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Tania said...

It's just CHRISTMAS! Everywhere! And I definitely can't resist...

Aveen said...

Oh, I just love that cute little squirrel!

Unknown said...

Oooh, I love the fabric!!
I've posted about your giveaway at http://nadiney.blogspot.com/

Maggie said...

ohhh. Cute things. Love the squirrel.

Maggie said...

Blogged at http://www.sketchbookmaggie.net/2009/05/another-great-giveaway.html

M* (Melanie) said...

ooo! Nice giveaway. I blogged you without even knowing I would earn an extra entry! I saw you had posted and decided to spread the love! Crossing my fingers. I love the chicky babe fat quarters!

Mrs Button said...

Hope I am the lucky one. Feeling lucky cause I found out about it through you blog in the first place. Will return for entry 2 when I have blogged.

Sandrine said...

Wow love the fabrics...soo much fun! When I link your blog will let you know my dear ;)

Sandrine said...

Psst, I have one giveaway too! forgot to tell you ;)


Leslie said...

I love the giveaway! I'll being posting mine later today.

Leslie said...

And it's so great I blogged about it here!


Sandrine said...

I did I did !! ;)

Tasha said...

ooooh fabric and such cute little brooches!! who could resist? please enter me into your draw ;)

Myra said...

Cute fabrics, will mention on my blog.

Tasha said...

I have also blooged about it on my blog tashaloucreations.blogspot.com

* elizabeth * said...

ooh. enter me, I'll link to it in my a.m. post for my giveaway tomorrow!

Sasparilla Sue said...

I love the little brooches! And the fat quarters are pretty darn fabulous too. I'm gonna blog about it right now.....

Debbie said...

Oooo, those fat quarters look great! Please count me in.

Sorka said...

Oooh too good not to enter! Count me in!!
I'll go Tweet and be back too!!

Sorka said...

Just tweeted it! (which also goes to my Facebook!) http://twitter.com/Sorka/status/1924654844

Pick me pick me!

Thea said...

Count me in too. I am also giving away goodies and have blogged about yours. Come on over folks!

hana.k said...

Love the cool blues of the fabric and that squirrel is just adorable

Eva said...

Oh I love blue- I especially like the first fat quarter :)

Thanks for having this give-away :)

Gillian said...

Would love that fabric - one print reminds me of an evening dress my Mum once had! Just tweeted too - http://twitter.com/iheartcraftsnet G

bubbachenille said...

OOHHH everything looks so yummy! Please count me in

Emily said...

A mini-stash! What a fun idea!

Emily said...

I tweeted too!


Selina said...

oooh, gorgeous fabrics! count me in! I'll be posting my giveaway very soon, pop over and have a look!

esther said...

Yes please, I love those fabrics. Thank you.

angelique said...

Those fabrics are fantastic. I am in for an entry into this giveaway.

Christina Lowry said...

Me too, me too! I would love to enter your give away, what a fantastic collection of goodies.

PS. Little squirrel you are soo cute!

Anja said...

Look at that cute squirrel! How could I resist?

Visit my blog for a giveaway.

kate said...

hello bec darling.
my blog is not up yet, so won't get the second entry, but even if i don't win - will pay for one of those cute little squirrel badges.
love your work

Smithsholidayroad said...

I love these! i am so new to sewing and craft...as in 3 days new! I am already addicted and would love some FQ to get me started! cheers Bron

Leah said...

Please count me in!

Katy said...

Love that fabric with the retro lady on - count me in!

Angie said...

wow that fabric is great, do you know who it is by? Count me in!

Sherrin said...

Yah! Count me in too! :o)

Jetta's Nest said...

Lovely brooches Rebecca, I was wondering what you'd come up with and they certainly are gorgeous!

Nikki said...

Thanks for offering a great giveaway. Beautiful brooches (yes, not just brooch but brooches!) AND a stash...lucky us!

Romana said...

Is it my birthday???? Another great give-away! My stash is just getting started, this would be a very welcome boost!

Mel Cordell said...



Jemma. said...

You're the best Rebecca! The fabrics look very nice. I totally forgot/didn't have time to set up a giveaway. I might try and squeeze something in tonight though. So come over and look :)

sophie said...

Thanks Bec for being so generous! This giveaway is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Those brooches are cute!

satsuki design said...

I'm in love with the brooches - particularly the squirrel - he looks quite a character! :)

Kylie said...

Sooo lovely, Rebecca! Please count me in!

manda said...

Oh yes please!! Count me in! Oh, and your last kitty has to be one of my favourites! I love the way his eyes are looking downwards! My favourite linen to use is just plain simple calico. No fuss and plenty of it!

Annie said...

Oh you have such good taste, I am coveting everything I see!!

Anne said...

Love it! please count me in!

Lisa said...

Beautiful blues!

Chasing Snails said...

Buttons. Fabric. Ribbon.

So much to love!

Victoria van der Laan said...

Ack! That little squirrel/fox is too adorable!!

I'm so glad I found your blog, cheers!

Bonnita said...

I'm a sucker for squirrels! Cute!

Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) said...

Cute brooches and that fabric is fantastic!

Lucy Bowler said...

Wow! I'd love to win some of your stash etc!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Lou said...

Very cute. Would love to be the winner!

Ginger said...

Very pretty! Thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...

What a cute squirrel!! And thanks for a fun giveaway!

Bec said...

Wow Rebecca, those brooches are gorgeous!!! Will they be in your shop soon? XX Bec

Jessi said...

wow! I am totally into this one!!! So cute!!

I have posted a giveaway on mine too, but no one has commented. Perhaps I need to work on my sewing ;)


marelle said...

nice one! ...i have twitter'ed about your giveaway too!

Gilly said...

Blogged, FBed and Twittered!
xx Gilly

bec said...

woohoo, please enter me! And i'll tiwtter you right now for the 2nd entry. Love all the goodies! Love getting mail!

Anonymous said...

I love the fabric !

Amanda W said...

Gorgeous giveaway!

Jenaveve said...

Wow - where to fit a comment in... 67 comments! Nice work. And luverly brooches.

zofia said...

Supercute- love them!

becanne said...

Lovely pack - yep 'nother fan of the squirrel here too - popular little guy!

Goodies on my blog too if anyone wants to drop over...

flickettysplits said...

Yay, I'm in - thank you!

JULIE ♥ ADORE said...

i love so much ! i tweet this!!!!

Mrs Button said...

Hi there. Entry number 2. Hope it was OK to post your giveaway photo on my blog http://cuteasbuttonsat.blogspot.com/

Gina said...

Your handiwork is just beautiful.

ittybittyandpretty said...

love that little squirrel brooch! count me in :)
%*_*% rosey

Jacquie said...

Really really lovely giveaway :o)

Lilly said...

I love those fabrics!! Gorgeous! And the two little brooches are super cute!
Thanks a lot for the chance and please count me in.

Christie said...

Oh, beautiful!

Blue is my favourite colour, love the fabric

Casey said...

I love the fabrics! gorgeous

Max. H said...

I love your brooches, especially the squirrel! Fantastic work!

Little Miss Shabby said...

What a great stash! Just fantastic-Thanks!

Gen said...

How wonderful! I love the brooches.

janet lee said...

that cute little squirrel brooch is super adorable! I love the blues in that fat quarter collection I am definitely going to write a blog post about your giveaway!

Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

beautiful fabric! count me in, please!

Unknown said...

your brooches are wonderful! and the colours in the fabrics are delicious!

Simply EC said...

What a fabulous giveaway, and I LOVE your brooches!
Count me in please!

Winter Tree said...

love your site - and hope I get lucky - it's like Xmas in blog land !!!

RebeccaMom said...

love the giveaway, so cute! and I can always use more fabric!

Pamela S. said...

Count me in - I'd love to Win these wonderful goodies!

Bethany said...

Great give-away goodies! I love the pallate of blues in the fabric!

windycindy said...

Hi, Your brooches are too adorable!
I had a pet squirrel for 8 years when I was young. Her name was
Squeaky. Please enter my name in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

I Tweeted your giveaway ~

sandyandcosmo said...

That squirrel is just too cute!


Digital Misfit said...

The brooches are adorable, and those FQs are just GORGEOUS! What is that amazing one on the top? I love it.


Jenna Z said...

Too cute brooches! Thanks for the chance to win!

Emily Gusba said...

Wow, how fab! I would luuuurve to win!

Anonymous said...

The best part of giveaway day has been discovering so many great blogs :)

two hippos said...

Great giveaway! I love blue.

I'm also having a giveaway and hosting a fq swap. Come and check it out :) 2hippos.blogspot.com

Jingle said...

Those brooches are fabulous and I am totally in love with the fat quarters!

isabel f. said...

Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
count me in, please!!
great parcel :))~love everything :)

go see my giveaway
hugs Isabel

meagan said...

Those fabrics are to die for!!!

Heather said...

Oh, I love it! Such cute fat quarters!

LFinn said...

Wonderful giveaway! I love the little brooches:-) Thanks for the chance to play.

Unknown said...

that squirrel is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Love these prizes! I am going to post this one on my blog!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Very cute items on your give away!

Stephanie said...


Thanks for the giveaway.

Leigh said...

Oooh! Blue! Gorgeous FQs!

Leigh said...

And I linked you on Facebook!

Kaye Prince said...

I would definitely love to win!

Unknown said...

I love the blue fabric!

Meg said...

Oooh pick me. I am in love with that squirrel. What a darling, darling idea.

Sara Aj said...

pick me pick me pick me plz... AWW :3 that's so gr8 I Wish I could win, facebookED too!! ~ <3

Jen said...

oooo, i love all the blue fabric. and the pins are lovely. thanks!

Sara Aj said...

facebookED here ~

Sarah said...

so pretty!

Liz said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Love the squirrel brooch, it's adorable! Great blog too!

Julia Gabriel said...

Love your blog! I will facebook you too :D.

Kelly O. said...


Celeste said...

So sweet--thank you!

Angelia said...

Love the blue fabrics!

cindi said...

would love love love these

knitaddict said...

Me please, me please!!
check out my giveaway at timefortee.blogspot.com!!

Tia xxx

susan marie designs said...

Great fabrics! I love your etsy shop, especially the bunnies! Thanks for offering the giveaway! ❤

Unknown said...

Love your color choices. Great stuff!

QuiltChick said...

OOOhhh, cute pins and fabric! Hope I win!

Wendymoon said...

Good stuff! Love the squirrel and am always looking to build my fabric stash. :-)

craftytammie said...

lovely prizes, how fun! thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Great giveaway!

Jenny said...

Great Giveaway... thanks for the chance!

erika~ the inspired mama said...

what a wonderful giveaway! i would be thrilled to win! ThAnK YoU!!

Sha nay nay said...

What an interesting set of fabric! The brooches are too cute!

Miri said...

Please count me in! Thank you so much for your generosity! samjerus[at]yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Such an exciting day!

undeadgoat said...

Wow, I love those prints! Your blog looks quite interesting too, definitely going to start following.

Unknown said...

Inspiring blog!
Please add me in your giveaway!

Eema-le said...

Gorgeous fabric. I love the mix of blues.

Gabrielle said...

Love this giveaway!! Thank you, I will share it on Facebook!!

Becky said...

So cute!

Is anyone actually sewing today or are we all just checking out each others blogs and entering contests?

I'm nearly dizzy with delight!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the adorable giveaway chance!

Rachel said...

I love the fabric. Haven't seen anything like that. And the pins are really cute too. Would love to win. Thank you.

BettsyKingston said...

You are giving away this! Mine just paled in comparison!

Serena said...

Oooh, lovely fat quarters!

Autumn said...

Lovely brooches and pretty fabrics! Thanks for offering such a nice giveaway.

Sarah said...

Oh Rebecca, those brooches are TOO cute! I would love to win them.

ikkinlala said...

I would love to enter your giveaway, please!

Anonymous said...

The fabric is to die for. Thank you so much for the chance.

amy said...

we should make badges like that for brown owls one time, they're so lovely :)

melonkelli said...

OMG! That Squirrel just kills me.

Anna said...

I love the fabric, cute! I somehow have a lack of blues and purples in my stash!

janet lee said...

i blogged it! just wanted to let you know. please check it out, if you can.

Miss Moo said...

What a lovely giveaway, love the fabric and the brooches too.

Tanya said...

Lovely brooches, very pretty!

LindaW said...

Lovely giveaway. Please add my name.LindaW

Margaret said...

What a wonderful giveaway. Love your blog. I especially love these giveaways as it has been a good way for to find great blogs.....just added you to my favorites!!

Trifles said...

love the blog!

kellie said...

Count me in too. Love the brooches.
And blogged here http://74limelane.com.au/2009/05/28/lovely-giveaway-over-at-edward-and-lilly/

Molly said...

Awesome giveaway! Love your site too :)

Lane said...

your squirrel brooch needs to be prominetly displayed on my purse and green wool coat come winter!

grey rose (they/them) said...

adorable brooches! WOW! cute attack!! thanks for the chance to win!! ROCK ON!

Hippie Family... said...

I love that fabric, your blog is so cute too!! thanks for letting everyone come see your place and the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win, that fabric is great.
I love vintage looking stuff.

ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Sara said...

cute, cute brooches!
thanks so much.
cheers :)

Anonymous said...

oh my so many entries Rebecca!! a lovely giveaway! thank you :)

Christy クリスティ said...

wow, those are gorgeous! check out my giveaway too!

Bek said...

You can count me in too. A little late off the mark, but here none the less!

Stitchbird said...

Its just like Christmas - even if you don't win anything you get introduced to a lot of awesome new blogs to peep at. Thanks

Sarah Seitz said...

those fat quarters are lovely! i'd love to win!!

Meredith said...

Your designs are gorgeous! The brooches are so sweet!

GloJoeSews said...

Beautiful! Hope to win!

MB said...

Love it! I hope I win!!!

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

i'm keen!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! Ever had so many comments Rebecca??? We must all want that fabric eh? I haven't forgotten the linen thing - just been swamped with school, life etc. Sorry for the delay.

Anonymous said...

absolutely gorgeous. thank you for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely ADORE this fabric, how can you bear to part with it? Thanks for the chance to win it!


Anonymous said...

I am also now a subscriber of your blog! Thanks again!

MooBear Designs said...

Brooches are my new best friend!!
I twittered and facebooked it for you too girl

We're having a give away too...YAY!!

xo Steph

Your Cheeky Monkey said...

Thank you for a great giveaway!! Lovely things :)

Your Cheeky Monkey said...

Just twittered your giveaway:

@Y_C_Monkey Edward and Lilly Giveaway: http://bit.ly/zYXH8

Roman Ezekiel Young said...

This is so much fun! Count me in!

Ruth said...

love the brooches---how clever!

Kawaii for You said...

great giveaway.. love those fabrics. Christine xo

Jennifer Ladd said...

Very cool giveaway! Love the fabrics!

jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

Samantha said...

Oh my garsh those fabrics are waay too fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win!

craftykat said...

Great fabrics and brooches!!! very cool

ellie said...

Oh how cute. That fabric stash looks super fun. hmmmm. I'm already thinking what I could turn it into.
Lovely giveaway.

I've got a giveaway too, if you want to have a look.


Katrin said...

Beautiful giveaway, please count me in!

mon ami said...

so cute! please add me to the list and thanks for sharing


Anna said...

such cute brooches and fabric and buttons, please count me in!

Natalija said...

Thank you for the giveaway! Please include me in the drawing.

stitchsavesnine (at) yahoo (dot) com

babalisme said...

You have a really cool blog!! And your creations are something I can't resist!!

littlechrissy said...

These are incredible. It reminds me of Fantastic Mr Fox :-)

Karin said...

What a great giveaway! Those fat quarters look amazing!

Naomi said...

Fantastic! Pick me! Pick me!

muralimanohar said...

Wow..those prints are awesome! What are they??

Jane said...

love the broaches!
just divine, fingers crossed you pick me!

Unknown said...

wow 196 comments ... you're like a blogger Goliath!!

becclebee said...

such lovely little brooch - yay for giveaway may!

.girl ferment. said...

please count me in

Barbara said...

Love the broaches and fat quarters, thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

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