I have started a community fundraising page for the Red Cross to encourage more donations no matter how big or small.
For every $20 raised for the Red Cross on my community fundraising page, I will make a bushfire bunny to be donated to the children who lost their toys in the Victorian Bushfires.
Donations are tax deductible and go directly to the Red Cross. My resources and time to make the bushfire bunnies is 100% voluntary.
Please help out by donating and/or spreading the word :)
Bushfire Bunnies Community Fundraising Link
Rebecca how wonderfully generous. I have linked you in my Facebook page, blogged the link and donated some $.
xx Gilly
I love the bunny! You are so kind.
The bunny is gorgeous and will no doubt be loved and hugged and squeezed by a child who needs it most.
PS I've tagged you for a game. visit my blog for details. I figure we all need some light-hearted fun to take our minds off the devastation in Vic at the moment, and there's nothing like trawling through old photos to make you grateful for your family and friends.
What a wonderful idea...the bunnies will be much loved...I just donated so there is one bunny bound to Australia!
God bless
Oh wow Rebecca I just went onto your community website and saw your tally! You must be stoked! Thats such a wonderful effort yah for you!!!!
xx Gilly
What a wonderful idea Rebecca. I guess your little fingers are worn down to the bone making all those adorable little bunnies. Congratulations.
so generous of you, lovely idea.
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