Charlotte is an amazing textile artist. She has this uncanny ability to take tiny buttons, beads, pearls, threads, yarn and fabric and produce the most exquisite wearable pieces. The luscious colours burst out from the screen creating a desire to reach out and feel their texture.
But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself. This is only a tiny sample of the amazing images in her flickr stream and on her blog. She's recently started making the most divine cowl collars.
Want to wear one of Charlotte's pieces? Go get one here.
Yikes, that's me!!!
Rebecca....I'm all of a blush, sitting here reading this! Thank you so much for your incredibly flattering words - you're so kind!
Really - thank you xxx
(your little bird tree decoration should be posted about soon - I'm thrilled with it, it's so pretty)
Wow! Wonderful blog!
Verrò a trovarti ancora. Ciao dall'Italia, elena.
I have popped over from Charlottes to say hello.
Great decorations on your blog.x
I have popped over from Charlotte's blog to say hi too! I agree with you 100% - Charlotte's work is exquisite and she is such a lovely person as well.
Dot :)
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