
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

to market, to market

Thanks Bec for the photo!

I did lots of shopping and lots of selling at the BrisStyle Indie Eco Market on the weekend. Picked up some beautiful ceramics from Kim, a very cool scarf necklace which I'm still wearing from Kellie, the ultimate in relaxation eye pillow from Chris and one of Sam's super-fly hand-cut wooden guitar magnets. Thanks to everyone who popped by and said hello including the lovely Sarah all the way from NZ!

If you're in the city pop by Brisbane Square Library for the BrisStyle exhibition where you'll find 3 of my embroidered wall pieces including the one above. The opening is this Friday night, more details here.

But wait, there's even more fun July market dates for the diary! I'll have some new wares at the BrisStyle Indie Twilight Market on Friday 30 July in King George Square details here, and on the huge BrisStyle co-op at Red Hill Fair on Saturday 31 July.

And now it's time for a little blogging break while I pack up and move my little creative space to a new home, see you back here soon!


  1. you are the market queen little lady!
    and im glad you were a grand success (as usual :D )
    and also got some pretty things x

  2. Love the deep red fabric in that pendant. Glad marketing is going so well for you!

  3. Lovely to meet you! So great to put faces to blogs :o) Thanks so much for telling me about the market. I would have been gutted to go all that way and not experience Brisbane's crafty side.

  4. Wow very nice, looks like you've got a great setup there :)
