
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thank You Plush You

Kristen from PlushYou! and Schmancy has bestowed the One Lovely Blog Award on my little blogging space.

I don't tend to bother blogging peeps with Awards however as we're coming up to the BrisStyle Indie Designers Market here is a little list of 15 BrisStyle blogs you must check out (oh and if you're in the 15 consider yourself awarded).

1. Jellygnite (aka Charlie and Grace)
2. Epheriell Designs
3. histoire de soie...
4. Hot Fudge
5. Jetta's Nest
6. Just Needs Salt
7. Kitty Boo Boo
8. Little Chrissy
9. Little Diva
10. Little Mimoo
11. Made by Maisie
12. Ruby 2 Go Go
13. PretaPawte
14. The Small Stuff


15. grey grid paper. (Ok, Amy isn't a BrisStylette but she's new to the crafty blogging scene, she's a Brisbane Brown Owl and I have a feeling good things are going to come from her blog).

The rules of the Award are:

1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

If you popped over from PlushYou! thanks for stopping by and please leave me a comment so I can visit you too!


  1. you're too lovely rebecca! thank you so much for all your kinds words and tips! now i am slowing going to work out how to do this award giving stuff... :) x

  2. Thanks so much for the award Rebecca. With three weeks taken out of my sewing time (all for a good cause, of course), I am getting a little anxious! Let's hope our BrisStyle market will be bigger and better than ever.

  3. That is very nice Rebecca, and lots of lovely blogs awarded here;)

  4. Good for you, Rebecca. It is a lovely blog to visit. Kind regards, Lisa.

  5. thank you Rebecca :)
    p.s I think your softies are going to look so lovely in their kitchen-y displays - what a great idea! Cute.

  6. Thanks so much Bec for nominating me. I will get around to doing the award myself at some stage.. Christine xo

  7. Thanks so much for nominating me too! I've finally done my first blog post in 3 weeks... been very slack :) See you in a week!

  8. Thank-you Rebecca!! Hey I agree with you on Amy's blog - it's really lovely isn't it. Ok, now I'd better get back to getting the BrisStyle giveaway winners post drafted :O
    XX Bec
