
Monday, June 15, 2009

Frustrated by a certain store?

Tania from Myrtle & Eunice has come up with the perfect solution. Pop over here for a bit of crafty voodoo therapeutic satisfaction.


  1. That's too funnny. Earlier I was noticing on a Spotlight shopping bag that it said "ask your friendly staff member". Hmm haven't many any of those, at least not at my local.

  2. I can't tell you how zen I am post voodoo doll-ing. I'd recommend it to anyone. And the group therapy is worth its weight in gold...

    (thanks for the linky thing!)

  3. how funny is that, that you can know exactly what store you're talking about before you even open the post!

  4. Haha, love it. I used to work at a certain store. I lasted 3 1/2 months and hated every minute.

  5. It is pretty funny how unified we all are in this position. Or perhaps funny is not the word!

    (Ps, you should try making a beanie- just as easy as a granny! only tricky thing is the fit! not as critical with a granny square..!)

  6. Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Every time I go to my local Spotlight I rant for five hours afterward about how bad my experience just was. I can't shop there anymore.
    Down with Spottie!!

  7. that's hilarious! ... good cheap fabric but the service is just sooooo dismal

  8. How fabulous is Tania! I think we all need to thank her for making us smile today!!

  9. Oh tooo clever! Me thinks she could sell a ton of these to all those waiting in lines at this store!

  10. This is so wonderful and so true. Now if you want to mirror the store you just have to be out of stock of the dolls!
