
Sunday, October 12, 2008

this is ...

My current reading materials.

Mostly Biennale catalogues (yeah, gettin' a little boring) but have managed to squeeze in one novel this month.

Thank you Missk for this week's theme and as usual there are more reading materials here.

Speaking of reading, if you are in the Brisbane area and you want to make yourself read at least 4 books a year (I know, I know, we're all busy) we're starting a seasonal book club. First book off the rank is Patrick Suskind's Perfume.


  1. I agree . . . I like to read catalogues too! Looks like you've got some great reading material there. Happy "this is" day!

  2. I read "purfume" during the last school holidays. It was a little disturbing but thoroughly unputdownable towards the end!

  3. Seeing all of these fabulous books in people's blogs is making me feel a little guilty for ignoring my reading pile...

    Looks like you have some great books there!
