
Friday, October 24, 2008

Keeping things cool

Water Bottle Carrier, originally uploaded by edwardandlilly.

Want to make this water bottle carrier? It's super easy, this one took me less than two hours last night. And, for the Aussies out there who are preparing for a hot Summer, it's insulated! What a brilliant idea. The pattern's been around for a while so you may have already seen it, for those who haven't it can be found at Pink Chalk Studio.

A huge thank you to craftblog for including one of my flickr images earlier in the week.


  1. Great Idea anything to cover those awful generic water bottle my kids have...and as a newcomer to your blog can i say...lovely!

  2. That is a very pretty bag, handy as well! Love the fabric!
    I suppose that this could also work for warm drinks, right?? I mean, if it is insulated...

  3. Loved this when I saw this on flickr...lovely fabric!

  4. great idea, it looks beautiful!

  5. Oooh, I like it. I think I'm going to have to make myself one, and probably everybody else I know too!

  6. Thanks everyone, it's lined with Insul-Brite which is used for pot holders so you can make them for hot drinks too :)

  7. Ooh, love this...I've been totally thinking I should make one for my boy...I'm sick of lugging a bag just to carry his water bottle, lol!

  8. Very nice! Now I have another project that I want to do! :o)
