
Thursday, February 26, 2015

embroidery social club brisbane

Do you love stitching by hand, sharing ideas, having a chat and a cuppa and picking up tips and tricks for your embroidery and needlework projects? Or have you ever wanted to have a go at an embroidery style and not sure where to start?

On Sunday I'll be kicking off the first Embroidery Social Group meet up at The Nest. I'll have my lightbox, lots of inspiration and a few other bits and pieces with me. Bring along your unfinished stitching projects, something you might be stuck on or a totally new project for a catch up and a cuppa with like-minded stitch enthusiasts. It's for everyone no matter what your skill level to take some time out and unwind.

Embroidery Social Group
Sunday 1 March, 2-5pm at The Nest, 720 South Pine Road, Everton Park. Bookings essential, click here to book your spot.

Monday, February 23, 2015

On taking risks

This year I've been working with Roz Fenson and a group of amazing women we lovingly refer to as the 'Dream Team' on a new non-profit organisation called The Nest Community Inc.

The Nest is an accessible place for women and children of all generations and diverse backgrounds to learn, connect and nurture each other through artisan and craft practice. The program focuses on the value of sustainability and creativity and makes everyone feel really great about what they can achieve and make with their own two hands!

It's basically the women’s counterpart to the successful Men’s Shed concept, how great is that! 

Yesterday we moved The Nest into a beautiful heritage listed home at Everton Park and had our first crafty get together. 

It's been a roller coaster start to the year and we're taking a big risk but we believe it's important for every community to have a permanent home where women, teens and children can get together, feel safe, tell stories, make stuff, learn new things, have fun, be empowered and feel like they belong.  Yes, every community!

If you would like to take part, support us, come to a workshop, join a social group or you just want to know what's going on head here and sign up to the email list or book in to a workshop/event. We're dreaming BIG and we want to share the journey with you!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Sashiko Stitching Workshop

I'm running a Sashiko stitching workshop at The Nest in March, it will cover everything you need to know about transferring or drafting patterns onto fabric, materials, stitch techniques and as always a little bit of history about this beautiful technique.

There will also be the option to have a go at Hitomezashi Sashiko which is one of my personal favourites (below).

It's on Sunday 1 March, for all of the details and to book in click here.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Mini loom weaving workshop

Learn basic weaving techniques on a small scale to make a necklace, lavender sachet, coaster or tiny wall hanging.

When: Sunday 8 February, 10:30am-12:30pm
Where: Brisbane Square Library, Brisbane CBD
What to bring:
- Yarn, wool, twine, any textile or fibre you would like to weave with
- Plastic needle (I will have some of these available to use on the day if you can't find one)
- A piece of sturdy cardboard, A5 size or smaller, cardboard from an old box works well
- Ruler
- Pencil or pen
- Scissors
- Sticky tape
- For a necklace or wall hanging you will need a little stick to attach it to
- For a lavender sachet some scrap fabric for backing, a needle and thread.
Cost: Free
RSVP: is absolutely essential by emailing

cocktails & macramé

We're bringing macramé back to Jungle this Thursday night!

Come along and celebrate the new year with a drink and some crafting. It's loads of fun and it's free with any cocktail (or mocktail) purchase!

When: Thursday 5 February, 6:30pm sharp!
Where: Jungle Bar, 76 Vulture Street, West End
Cost: Free with purchase of a cocktail or mocktail, materials provided!

See you there!